Depression and Self-Control: Solutions Inspired by the Bhagavad Gita

  • By Ravi Shankar Upadhyay
  • at October 10, 2024 -

 Depression has become a significant issue in today’s fast-paced lifestyle, affecting both mental and physical health. Alongside modern medicine, ancient Indian scriptures, particularly the Bhagavad Gita, offer profound wisdom on maintaining balance in life. By following these teachings, we can tackle challenges like depression more effectively.

In the Gita, Lord Krishna emphasizes the importance of balance—moderate food habits, lifestyle, and proper sleep patterns. He also explains how constant rumination and attachment to specific outcomes can lead to emotional turmoil. This cycle can eventually push a person towards depression. Based on these teachings, here are some ways to maintain self-control and combat depression.

1. Balanced Lifestyle (Moderate Diet and Routine)

According to the Gita, it is crucial to maintain moderation in diet, lifestyle, and daily routines.

  • Balanced Diet: Avoid heavy, oily, and excessively spicy foods. Opt for a sattvic (pure and healthy) diet, including fresh fruits, vegetables, grains, and light meals. This not only balances the body but also keeps the mind calm, reducing the risk of mental stress and depression.

  • Physical Activity and Rest: Regular exercise and walking in fresh air strengthen mental health. Adequate rest and peace are also essential. Incorporating yoga and pranayama (breathing exercises) into your routine balances both body and mind.

  • Proper Sleep Routine: The Gita stresses the importance of sleeping and waking up at the right time. Getting enough sleep and waking up early improves both mental and physical health. Irregular sleep patterns and staying up late contribute to mental stress and increase the risk of depression.

2. Control Over the Mind and Senses (Letting Go of Obsessive Thinking)

The Gita teaches that a person becomes attached to what they constantly think about. This attachment, if unmet, turns into frustration, despair, and eventually depression.

  • Control Over Thought Process: Avoid excessive thinking about a single subject. Practice freeing your mind from unnecessary thoughts. Meditation is an excellent tool for achieving this. Through meditation, the mind becomes calm, thoughts become manageable, and it becomes easier to deal with depression.

  • Detachment: Lord Krishna advocates for Karma Yoga, which involves performing duties without being attached to the results. Similarly, being overly attached to any person or object can lead to disappointment and depression. Focus on fulfilling your responsibilities with dedication but let go of worrying about the outcomes.

3. Anger Management and Patience

The Gita also explains that desire (unfulfilled wishes) often leads to anger. Anger clouds judgment, leading to confusion, loss of memory, and ultimately, the destruction of wisdom. This lack of mental clarity can result in depression.

  • Control Anger: When things don’t go your way, practice patience. Instead of reacting immediately in anger, take a step back from the situation. Focus on deep breathing and engage in a calming activity to avoid falling into a spiral of negative emotions.

4. Practice Meditation and Spirituality

The Gita highlights the immense benefits of meditation. Meditation brings calm to the mind, enhances control over the senses, and helps combat depression.

  • Meditation and Breathing Exercises: Set aside time daily for meditation. It helps balance your mind and provides relief from depression. Pranayama also promotes mental peace, helping to overcome life's challenges.

5. Company and Associations

The Gita emphasizes that the company we keep profoundly influences our thoughts and emotions.

  • Positive Company: Surround yourself with people who think positively and support you. Avoid negative company that can drag you into depressive thoughts. Positive associations uplift your mood and help maintain emotional well-being.


The wisdom from the Bhagavad Gita provides practical solutions for dealing with depression. Maintaining balance in diet and lifestyle, practicing meditation, letting go of attachment, and managing anger contribute to mental peace and stability. By living a life of balance and mindfulness, we can not only overcome depression but also lead a happier and more fulfilling life.

These teachings remind us that with discipline, faith, and a positive outlook, every problem, including depression, can be managed successfully.


Written by Admin

The Author is, a seasoned wellness author, delves into the art of healthy living through his insightful narratives on herbs, lifestyle choices, and yoga asanas. With a passion for holistic well-being, Author's writings inspire readers to embrace a balanced life, fostering happiness and vitality through the integration of natural remedies and mindful practices.


Depression and Self-Control: Solutions Inspired by the Bhagavad Gita

 Depression has become a significant issue in today’s fast-paced lifestyle, affecting both mental and physical health. Alongside modern medi...