Winter Heel Cracking: Understanding Causes, Precautions, and Ayurvedic Solutions

  • By Ravi Shankar Upadhyay
  • at January 07, 2024 -

What causes heel crack in winter?

The incidence of heel fractures, specifically during the winter season, can be attributed to a combination of environmental factors and personal behaviours. The following are frequent causes observed:

Humidity Decreases: The air tends to contain less moisture during the winter, resulting in decreased humidity levels. In the absence of relative humidity, the skin on your heels may become dehydrated and more prone to the formation of fissures.

Cold Temperature: Hypothermia and vasoconstriction can result in a reduction in blood flow to the skin. This may result in a reduction in skin elasticity and dehydration, thereby elevating the likelihood of fissure formation.

Habit of hot bath in winter: While hot showers and baths may offer comfort in the winter, they have the potential to strip the skin of its natural oils, which may lead to dryness and potentially cracking. Extended exposure to scalding water may exacerbate the condition.

Hypoxia: Reduced body temperature can diminish the individual's inclination to consume an adequate amount of water. Dehydration has the potential to negatively impact the overall state of the skin, increasing its susceptibility to dehydration and fissures.

Improper Footwear: The utilisation of footwear that is excessively confining or fails to provide sufficient support may result in the development of heel fissures. Additionally, moisture entrapment caused by inadequate shoe ventilation can exacerbate fungal infections and worsen the condition.

Lack of proper footcare: Neglecting to perform routine foot care procedures, including exfoliation and moisturization, may lead to the accumulation of dead skin cells. This accumulation can subsequently develop into dryness and fissures. Consistent and steadfast attention is critical in maintaining the integrity of the integumentary system located on the feet.

Individual Skin condition: Adverse winter conditions can exacerbate pre-existing dermatological conditions, including psoriasis and eczema, thereby increasing the likelihood of developing heel fissures. Certain disorders may require specialised treatment in order to effectively alleviate symptoms.

Aging: Age-related decline in sebum secretion by the skin increases its susceptibility to dryness and fissures. It is advisable for elderly individuals to employ heightened caution when it comes to foot care and moisturization.

To prevent the development of heel cracks during the winter, adherence to a proactive hygiene regimen is essential. The aforementioned precautions include maintaining regular moisturization, ensuring sufficient hydration, donning appropriate footwear, and avoiding extended periods of exposure to high temperatures. It is advisable to seek medical attention if the fissures persist or worsen, especially if there are preexisting skin conditions that are worsening the issue.

During the winter, what precautions should be taken to prevent heel cracking?

The epidermis can be significantly affected by the winter season, which can result in a heightened prevalence of cracked heels due to the extreme dryness and low temperatures. In order to mitigate and regulate heel fissures that may occur during the winter season, the following preventive measures are recommended:

Sufficient hydration is an essential factor that should not be underestimated.

Ensure adequate hydration by consuming sufficient quantities of water. Hydration from within is essential for maintaining epidermis moisture.

Regularly hydrate your epidermis by doing so:

It is recommended to consistently apply a thick and hydrating foot moisturiser or ointment into the feet after showering or bathing, on a daily basis. Attempt to locate products that do not contain petroleum lubricant, shea butter, or glycerin.

Thermal immersion of the feet:

Allow your feet to soak in tepid water for around fifteen minutes. This can facilitate the elimination of defunct skin cells and contribute to the softening of the epidermis.

Slight abrasion:

By employing a foot file or pumice stone, exfoliate the dead skin from your heels in a delicate manner. Extreme force should be avoided with care, as it could potentially worsen the fissures.

Avoid utilising boiling water:

While the thought of taking hot showers during the winter may be enticing, the increased temperature of the water can strip the skin of its natural lipids, leading to the development of dryness. Substitute tepid water for it.

By donning moisture-wicking hosiery, one can enhance comfort while effectively managing moisture.

To maintain dry feet, choose hosiery constructed from natural, breathable materials such as cotton or moisture-wicking fabrics.

Prevent any potential harm to your feet:

It is imperative to utilise footwear that possesses the qualities of comfort, proper fitting, and adequate support. It is advisable to avoid donning open-back shoes or sandals in extremely frigid weather, as they can expose the heels to hazardous conditions.

Implement humidifiers:

By installing humidifiers in your residence, you can increase the relative humidity of the air. Dry domestic air produced by central heating systems may exacerbate skin dryness.

Reduce extended periods of exposure to frigid temperatures:

Reduce the amount of time that your feet are exposed to chilly and wet environments. Dry your feet immediately after they become moist.

Include wholesome lipids in your nutritional regimen:

Include in your diet foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, including fish, flaxseeds, and walnuts, in order to enhance the health of your epidermis.

Systematic Foot Examinations:

It is advisable to consistently assess the condition of your feet for signs of dryness, fissures, or other dermatological issues. Early detection serves to facilitate timely intervention.

Seek the counsel of a podiatrist:

For expert guidance, it is advisable to seek the consultation of a podiatrist if persistent or severe fissures are observed. They possess the ability to provide accurate recommendations and tailored treatments that are specifically engineered for your individual ailment.

To optimise the well-being and comfort of your feet during the winter season, it is recommended that you incorporate the following precautions into your routine of foot care. This will aid in the treatment and prevention of heel fractures.

Ayurvedic medicine for crack heel

Ayurveda's "Triphala Ghrita." treats cracked heels. Triphala Ghrita, a traditional Ayurvedic formula, combines ghee (clarified butter) with amla (Indian gooseberry), haritaki, and bibhitaki. Triphala's antioxidant and anti-inflammatory qualities renew skin, while ghee deeply moisturises. Together, these ingredients nourish and repair cracked heels. Apply a tiny amount of Triphala Ghrita to problematic areas before bedtime to let the herbal goodness work overnight. Regular use softens heels and improves foot health.

In addition to exterior application, Ayurveda emphasises internal skincare. Daily consumption of Triphala Churna, a powdered blend of the same three fruits, can cleanse the digestive system and remove toxins that cause skin problems. These herbal crack heel cures can be enhanced by proper hydration, a balanced diet, and Ayurvedic self-care.

Liquid Bandages for Cracked Heels

Explore a realm where liquid bandages, an innovative remedy, provide alleviation for damaged heels. In addition to their original intent of treating minor cuts and scrapes, these miraculous liquids have developed into indispensable aides for those afflicted with the agonising pain of cracked heels. The objective of this study is to decipher the enigmas surrounding this innovative approach to foot care, which promises to revolutionise the way your feet are treated.

The Resurgence of Submergent Bandages:

Consider a fluid of such delicate consistency that adeptly traverses the rugged surface of your parched and impaired heels, establishing a barrier that expedites the restoration procedure. The liquid bandage, which is designed to be applied to cracked heels, signifies a revolutionary progression in the field of hygiene. By incorporating vitamins and nourishing substances into its formulation, this product not only effectively seals but also actively nourishes the skin, thereby reinstating its supple and silky appearance.

Smoothing fissures and restoring their integrity:

A liquid bandage eliminates the discomfort associated with each stride and not only repairs the fissures in your heels, but also imparts an enhanced sense of smoothness. By conforming to the contours of the skin, the fluid formulation generates a barrier that is both flexible and resilient, providing protection against external hazards. This feature allows for unrestricted respiration and recovery of the epidermis, unlike traditional dressings, ensuring a comfortable and seamless experience.

A Harmonium of Restoration:

The application of liquid bandages to fractured heels promotes a symbiotic healing process beneath their protective covering. These elixirs, which contain fortifying ingredients including chamomile extract, tea tree oil, and aloe vera, not only conceal the problem but also actively promote the skin's natural renewal. Embrace the soothing properties of natural remedies as they revitalise and rejuvenate your worn-out feet in a synergistic fashion.

Implementation of art:

The application of a damp bandage to damaged heels necessitates a specific degree of proficiency and aptitude. By facilitating precise and targeted application, the precision applicator ensures that even the most minute and concealed areas are adequately treated with its therapeutic properties. The elimination of untidy applications or uncomfortable bandages that disrupt daily activities is achieved with the seamless integration of the liquid bandage into one's self-care routine, which further simplifies the process of healing.

To conclude:

As it leads you along a path of rejuvenation and restoration, the liquid bandage revolution in heel treatment will astound you with its transformative potential. Abandon any sensations of unease and embrace the profound metamorphic potential of this innovative concoction. Providing delicate attention to your soles is possible through the use of a liquid bandage, which is a modern remedy for contemporary foot care concerns. Explore an environment in which the presence of fractured heels does not pose a challenge, but rather serves as an integral component of your personal growth and resolve.


Written by Admin

The Author is, a seasoned wellness author, delves into the art of healthy living through his insightful narratives on herbs, lifestyle choices, and yoga asanas. With a passion for holistic well-being, Author's writings inspire readers to embrace a balanced life, fostering happiness and vitality through the integration of natural remedies and mindful practices.


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